Origami is the art of paper folding activity, The paper folding craft was not only a fun filled experience, but it also proved to be a valuable means to develop artistic skills in the young ones.

Air Force School , Bhuj conducted origami competition on 31st July , 2020 for the classes I to X. Children participated in this creative venture with great zeal and high spirits. This activity triggered their imagination and enhanced their creative skills.

Students were amazed to see transformation of a flat sheet square of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting. The stars of our school created unique and exclusive shapes and structures to showcase their finesse in paper craft. They made and displayed them with great pleasure and gratification.

Origami provided our little ones with wonderful “ schematic learning through repeatable actions.” As the teachers demonstrated , children follow the specific instructions and then carried them with originality, neatness and accuracy.

Teachers acknowledge the efforts of children by making collage of pictures sent by kids.

Origami competition was success as it is helped to be a valuable means to develop artistic skills in the students.

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