World Sanskrit Day or Sanskrit Diwas is also known as Vishvasamskritadinam. It is celebrated on Shraavana Poornima, which is full moon day in the month of Shraavana in the Hindu calendar. This year Sanskrit Day was on Monday, August 3rd.

Sanskrit Diwas is an annual event focused around the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit that incorporates lectures about the language and is aimed to promote its revival and maintenance. The Sanskrit language has the largest vocabulary of about 102 arab 78 crores 50 lakh words.

World Sanskrit Day is celebrated to spread awareness, promote and revive the ancient India Language. It attributes the rich culture of India. The extraordinary thing about Sanskrit is that it offers direct accessibility to anyone to that elevated plane where the two —mathematics and music, brain and heart, analytical and intuitive, scientific and spiritual— become one.

In Air Force School, Bhuj, Sanskrit day was celebrated with students of classes 6 to 10. Students of class 6 and 7 did shloka vachan and explained the meaning of shloka too. They were curious to learn new shloka and mantras. Class 8 made wonderful posters on Sanskrit. Class 9 had Sanskrit subhashit recitation and class 10 did story telling in Sanskrit. Students enjoyed doing all these activities.

Celebration of Sanskrit day was fun with learning. Children were explored to more knowledge about subject through its celebration.

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