“Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru, none can cross over to the other

shore”. – Guru Nanak Dev

Air Force School,Bhuj keeping in view the secular ethos of the school celebrated and rejoiced in the spirit of the festival Guru Nanak Jayanti on 30th November 2020.Guru Nanak Jayanti which marks the birth anniversary of the first Sikh Guru was celebrated with élan in the school premises when the students depicted the religious ceremony observed in the Gurudwara on this day and also sang the Shabad Gurbani.Serenity and calmness floated in the air with the beautiful humming of the shabads and it paved the way for a very fruitful and productive day for all. The festival was celebrated by all the students with great pride, honor and respect.Principal Mrs.Shalini Kaistha told the gathering that we forever seek God’s blessings for the Cecilian fraternity and hope to be on the right and blessed path as chosen by Him. She added that the students through celebrations must have learnt the acts of offering of food for bhakti (devotion) and seva (service).

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