Date: 27 December 2020
Timing : 10 am to 11 a.m.
Workshop on Byjus software and carrier counseling
Resource Person : Surya deep Gohil
Attended by : Class 9th and 10th students

Introduction :
A Byjus, virtual session was conducted on 27 December 2020 (10am) in Air Force School, Bhuj. This session was conducted for students of class 9th and 10th.
Byjus concerned person Suryadeep Gohil organized this session.
Air force school Bhuj is using Byjus app from last year but this year due to pandemic situation students were not able to come for classes. So this year they have organized this virtual session for students and parents.
In this session they interacted with students and their parents. They solved doubts and problems of students. In this session they carried out the carrier counseling also.
Conclusion – This session was very interactive and useful for students because they got one plateform to solve their Byjus related doubts.

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