Art and Culture are essential aspects of our overall development. They foster the creative inquiry and also assist in refining skills. Art and culture also help us in enabling perspective, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. In order to provide a platform to students to creatively express their ideas/views on the theme Art and Culture, the Board has announced the second Expression Series for the session 2020-21. Air Force School Bhuj conducted various activities and competitions suggested by CBSE. The details are as follows:

  1. Pairing of States and Union Territories as per Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) programme:

 Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat programme aims to promote a sustained and structured cultural connect in the areas of language learning, culture, traditions & music, tourism & cuisine, sports and sharing of best practices etc. Hence, for this Expression Series, EBSB pairing has been taken as the base. Gujarat has been paired with Chhatisgarh 

  1. Topics and Medium:

Following were the details of the topics and medium:

  1. Primary (1st to 5th) Painting/ Drawing/ Paragraph (up to 150 words)/ Poem

What fascinates me in the culture of Chattisgarh? OR Uniqueness of the Art forms of Chhatisgarh

  1. Middle (6th to 8th) Painting/ Drawing/ Essay (up to 300 words)/ Poem Similarities in the Art and Culture of Gujarat and Chhatisgarh
  2. Secondary (9th &10th) Painting/ Drawing/ Essay (up to 500 words)/ Poem Art and Culture Unifies Us.


Students were informed prior about the activities and competitions through UOLO APP. They enthusiastically participated in it.

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