PTM of Class X

PTM of Class X

The PTM of class X was arranged in Air Force School Bhuj on 28 Dec 2020 in different timing slots according to the students’ roll number. Executive Director Flt Lt Tania Jose, CAdmO group Capt Raji Ranjan and The Principal Mrs Shalini Kaistha along with TGTs were present at school for PTM by adhering to social distancing.

The Principal Mrs Shalini Kaistha welcomed all the parents. She announced about Byju’s tablet for class X students for the session 2020-2021. The Principal discussed with parents about students’ result of online examination. The Principal advised the students to do more and more writing practice and to solve sample papers.

Positive response of the parents for the benefits of students, doubt sessions inside AFS will be arranged with the permission of Executive Director Flt Lt Tania Jose, CAdmO group Capt Raji Ranjan. They ensured the parents the norms of COVID-19 will be followed by school and all the students have to follow the norms.

All the parents were happy with the decision of doubt sessions at school for students. Thus, this PTM was successfully ended.

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