Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on October 02 every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi – an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist. In India, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, 2 October, is a national holiday. Globally, Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated as the International Day of Nonviolence.

To commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Air Force School, Bhuj has conducted various activities throughout the year. Since the two yearlong commemoration of the event culminated on 2nd October 2020, Air Force school, Bhuj conducted various activities and events for students and teachers in an appropriate manner ensuring their participation from their homes due to the COVID-19 situation.

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti various activities and events were organized by the school up to 2nd October 2020. such as

  • Lecture by teachers on Importance of Truthfulness/Fundamental Rights and Duties etc.
  • Essays & Poems on Importance of Truthfulness
  • Home Cleanliness
  • Meditation and Yoga
  • Providing water pots and food for animals and birds in homes
  • Handwriting Improvement Campaign and Handwriting Competition
  • Elocution
  • All Faith Prayer
  • Online Morning Assemblies on Gandhian Philosophy etc.

The Principal Mrs Shalini Kaistha delivered the motivational and encouraging speech to the students in the special assembly. The speech was received with admiration by the students. During the programme students shared presentation on Mahatma Gandhiji’s life which were inspirable to all who present in the assembly and encouraged to think about the simple livings of Gandhiji. The event ended with prayer song. At the end the principal gave us a very useful speech about Gandhi’s work and advised us to obey those rules and to apply those in our daily life.

Mrs Parul Jobanputra, TGT gave the lecture on fundamental rights to the students of IX & X. She emphasized the importance of human rights for a human being. Ms Hetal Vaishnav conducted the prayer meetings throughout the week from 29th Sep to 2nd Oct for different classes. They sang the patriotic songs which made the students created patriotic atmosphere. Their singing ability was highly appreciated.

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