All over the world, Christmas is celebrated on 25th December with great enthusiasm. It is celebrated to remember the birth of Lord Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God.

Air Force School Bhuj organised Christmas Celebrations on 22 Dec to mark the event. Towards this, the students of LKG standard were called to the school as ‘The Guests’. This was decided, keeping in mind the fun and frolic associated with Christmas and The Santa Claus. As the event was organised with the ongoing Covid restrictions – all precautions were discussed in detail and executed during the event.

The Principal welcomed the kids at 1030h along with the teachers and staff. For the occasion, all the staff were in Red & White theme, with one of them dressed as Santa Claus. The teachers then danced on the tunes based on Christmas theme to mark the celebrations for the kids. During the event, the Santa distributed candies and sweets to the children.

During the whole event, the social distancing norms were maintained between the kids and staff. Before the departure, the Principal and the teachers presented chocolates and gifts to kids to mark the culmination of celebrations.

At about 1230h, the celebrations came to an end. All the children went back happily, enjoying a great day at school after a long time.


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