Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week

Govt. of India has undertaken ‘MANODARPAN’ initiative covering a wide range of activities to provide psychosocial support to students, teachers and families for Mental Health and Emotional Well-being during COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. During these unprecedented circumstances following the pandemic including closure of schools, new system of online classes, restrictions of outdoor activities, etc. has led to stress and anxiety among many students which calls for empathetic handling through psychosocial support. In this context, a Mental Health Week was observed from 4th to 10th October, 2020 on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10th October, 2020. During the Mental Health Week, following activities undertook by Air Force School Bhuj in an online mode:

  1. Story Telling by Teachers

  Teachers told story to students highlighting different components of mental well-being at primary/middle stage.

  1. Making Posters and Writing Slogans

Students developed posters and wrote slogans for creating awareness on mental well-being.

 Students were informed prior about the activities through Uolo App. They enthusiastically participated in the above mentioned activities. After collecting the entries, school evaluated the entries and shortlisted them (one Slogan, one Poster and one Story) for onward submission to CBSE at the link:

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