Recycled art is creative work that’s made from discarded materials that once had another purpose. This includes anything from old plastic toys and vehicle tires to scraps of cloth and building supplies. Artists who make recycled art take those materials and make them into something new. You might sometimes see it called ‘junk art,’ but that term is a bit limiting. Something that is being recycled isn’t necessarily junk. To engage people in community, in creative reuse, a recycled art contest is a great way to inspire people from many ages and backgrounds.

Air Force School Bhuj also conducted recycle art competition, in that each student has to made creative art by recycle the things. From class VI to X students have actively participated in this competition. Every students have made things from bin to beauty, from trash to treasure.

In this pandemic situation this competition conducted, each child has made,submitted their recycled art. They made very creative things from wastage. After competition from each class three rankers were announced by class teacher for their best work.

Thus, this competition of September month has successfully done. This was the way from where child’s extra curriculam growth could be possible. They did it very well and enjoyed their work of recycle art.

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