Activities are an important part of the life of the students. It helps problem solving and creative thinking among students, when merged with academics, will help students learn effectively. This activity offers them an opportunity of thinking usually and getting the innovative idea of their own.  

The school took the initiative of keeping the students engaged during the lockdown period. Several activities were devise which could be carried out by the students with little or no help from their parents. These are enjoyable activities which are keeping them tuned creatively, mentally and physically.

To enhance the creative and imaginative skills of children, different activities were conducted online to keep alive their imaginative skills in various ways, ‘The Finger Paper Puppet Activity’ was conducted in Air Force School, Bhuj on 2nd December, 2020 for the students of classes I to V. The students enjoyed and did the artwork very enthusiastically.

The winners were selected on the basis of their imagination, creativity and organisation of used materials.This competition will surely boost their confidence, creativity and interest in art.

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