Monday to Friday: 0745 hrs to 1225 hrs (Pre-Primary)
Saturday: Holiday (Pre-Primary)
Monday to Friday: 0745 hrs to 1405 hrs (Class I to V)
Saturday: 0745 hrs to 1105 hrs (Class I to V)
Monday to Saturday: 0745 hrs to 1405 hrs (Class VI to XII)
Monday to Friday: 0810 hrs to 1250 hrs (Pre- Primary)
Monday to Friday: 0810 hrs to 1430 hrs (Class I to V)
Monday to Saturday: 0810 hrs to 1430 hrs (Class VI to XII)
Principal: 1000 hrs to 1100 hrs
(On all working days)
Teachers: 1240 hrs to 1300 hrs (Pre- Primary)
(Only on Friday) 1410 hrs to 1430 hrs (class I to XII)
E-mail address: [email protected]
Tel No: 02832-244176,94093 22480, IP 6349
(AF School, Bhuj Office No.)
Note to Parents :
- Please ensure that punctuality is maintained at all times.
- Inform the school if the leave of absence of your child exceeds three days. Send the application the day your child joins back to the school.
- Please do not go directly to the class to meet the teachers.
- Kindly ensure timely payment of fees to avoid inconvenience.