Vigilance Awareness Week

Vigilance Awareness Week

The Central Vigilance Commission, an apex integrity institution of the country, in its endeavor to promote transparency, accountability and integrity in public life, has been declaring the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year to encourage the fight against corruption. This year the Commission had decided to observe the Vigilance Awareness week from 27th October, 2020 to 2nd November, 2020. This year, the theme of the Vigilance Awareness Week was ‘Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India)’.

For inculcating greater awareness on vigilance in public life, Air Force School Bhuj also observed Vigilance Week.  All teachers, staff members and senior students (Classes X)  took ‘eIntegrity Pledge’ during the period 27.10.2020 to 02.11.2020 on the official portal of Central Vigilance Commission website i.e. ‘Integrity Pledge for Citizens’ In view of the existing COVID-19 pandemic situation, teachers, staff members and students took the ‘e-Integrity Pledge’ from home by using the available electronic mode. Slogan Wriiting, Poster Making and Paragraph Writing were also conducted online on the same topic during this week. No other physical activity related to VAW -2020 was conducted in the school premises. After taking the pledge school submitted a report of the above at

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