As we are aware, Republic Day is celebrated every year on 26th January to honour the Constitution and Republic of our country. Celebration of this occasion annually helps youth and children of our country to be aware of the significance of Indian Constitution, unity and integrity of our nation and also provides an opportunity to everyone to be patriotic towards the nation. To celebrate the soul of Republic Day, Students of Air Force School Bhuj participated in the following competitions conducted by Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, in association with Ministry of Defence on mygov.in portal during the period 20th January to 30th January 2021.

  1. Quiz competition (Quiz.MyGov.in)
  2. Essay writing competition (innovate.MyGov.in)
  3. Poetry Writing Competition (innovate.MyGov.in)

 Following are the themes of the competitions:

  1. Indian Constitution
  2. Our struggle for freedom
  3. Warriors of Indian Independence
  4. Knowledge, Traditions, Practices and Heritage of India

 Students were prior informed about the competitions through UOLO App.  They were encouraged to participate in these online competitions and celebrate the soul of Republic Day with honour and pride.

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