Report on Matribhasha Diwas ( Mother Tongue Day)


“If you talk to someone in a language he or she understands that goes to the persons head. If you talk to someone in his or her language it goes to the heart”.   — Nelson Mandela.

“Language”-Limitless is the word that best describes the true meaning of “Language”. As they say, “The limits of your language are the limits of your world”. Language gives shape to our thoughts and it conveys what our soul feels. No wonder, it deserves a celebration in the true sense. And what can be closer to our hearts than our ‘Matribhasha’?

To mark the international mother tongue day, ‘Matribhasha Diwas’ was celebrated at Air Force School Bhuj on 21.2.2022.

Students  put in their full enthusiasm and interest to highlight their matribasha by singing the song “Mile Sur Mera Tumhara’  in different languages. Students were glad to add color to the programme by dressing up in their traditional regional attire for that day. Being given an opportunity to hold our head high and sing in their own mother tongues was a joy that cannot be explained with mere words

“Mile Sur Mera Tumhara”- A national integrity song that truly portrays the one soul, the one nation that we are , even though we are culturally , regionally, traditionally different in our own beautiful ways was indeed a deserving and grand closure to the celebrations of the day.

We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to ONE human race.


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